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Beautiful I AM
"Grounded In Greatness"

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

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Who We Are

Beautiful I Am Foundation, Inc. (BIA) is a 501(c) 3 organization that helps young ladies heal from past and present circumstances; allowing them to see that their present state will not dictate their future.  We help young ladies overcome their insecurities, while teaching them to love themselves in a healthy manner.  Ensuring they have healthy relationships with their parents/guardians, peers and those in authority.  We aim to help them develop into women God created them to be; a beautiful light in their community. 

“BIA has proven to be a saviour and safe haven for me over the years.  As a little girl it saved my self-esteem and confidence and once that was repaired it provided me with a village of supporters and family who uplifted me and strived to see other African American girls, like me, succeed.” 


Jasmin Sudds

Why We Exist

We are here to make a difference. 

We are here because we’ve been where you are. 

We are here to make sure you don’t make the same mistakes we made. 

We are here to impart knowledge, understanding and wisdom to you that you may become the beautiful women you are destined to be.
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Upcoming Events

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The Magazine

Our magazine was designed for young girls of color; young girls of all ages. I want to capture their beauty inside and out.

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Our Partners

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Ladies Today!

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